So right now I am flipping out. First of all, I've been watching the grammys, they were pretty cool.
I had no idea M.I.A. was pregnant! that was a shocker. And Coldplay won my heart all over again.
I was watching the Jonas, who by the way were probably freaking out because they were performing with Stevie Wonder, good for them, and after that, oh my God, BLINK 182, I am a HUGE fan of them, and people (approximately my age) who say that they never liked blink are probably lying, they made a huge impact on music of our generation, and influenced a lot of new artist... so they're announced to present best rock album, and I see them together, and feels awesome, then I see this:
Hi. We'
and I die, okay I am overreacting, but I am so happy, I've be waiting for their new record, for them to announce their tour dates. I am so happy. It's only February and there are all ready 2 big reunions for 09.
By the way, congrats Coldplay.

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