And finally, Olvia Wilde in a lavendar Reem Acra, looking like royalty, I loved her dress, it was maybe a little too princessish for the awards, but it was so beautiful

I know its a little late for new years talking, like resolutions for example, I got a few.
First of all, I must buy a camera and a sewing machine this year, so that means I have to get a job, but probably that's going to be some time in the summer, sadly..
Also there is everyone's favorite, the "this year I AM going to make it", eating healthy and exercising more, but I hope I'll really do this. And then there this year's new challenge, my challenge, to read at least a book per month, you see, I am not much of a reader, I used to be, when I was younger and like two years ago with the harry potter series, but now I don't read much, just magazines (fashion and music, and once in a wild the trashy-gossip ones), but this year I want to become a bookworm, or at least read something, I want to talk about books as I talk about music or fashion and other stuff, one step at a time, I know, well for now, I've read my January book, it was "The day I killed James" by Catherine Ryan Hyde, I highly recommend it.
Probably there are more "resolutions" for this year, things that I want to accomplish this year, but those are it for now.
Another one: update this regularly
09 will be the year
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